Marketing majors at Davis & Elkins College can expect multiple opportunities in diverse fields.
Upon graduation they can expect to be able to apply for the following types of positions: sales manager, market research analyst, advertising & promotions managers, brand manager, international marketing professional, social networking analyst, public relations, e-commerce, marketing manager and more.
Career Outlook
Employment of market research analysts is expected to grow 20 percent from 2018 – 2028, much faster than the average for other occupations. Employment growth will be driven by an increased use of data and market research across all industries in order to understand the needs and wants of customers and measure the effectiveness of marketing and business strategies. The average salary for a market analysist is $145,000. (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Employment of advertising and promotions managers is expected to grow eight percent from 2018 – 2028. The average salary for an advertising or promotions manager is $135,900. (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Advertising, promotions, and marketing manager positions are highly desirable and are often sought by other managers and experienced professionals. With Internet-based advertising becoming more important, marketers who can navigate the digital world should have the best prospects.
Internships provide opportunities for Business and Entrepreneurship students to apply knowledge gained in the classroom while making meaningful contributions to the organization for which they work.
D&E’s Division of Business and Entrepreneurship is very supportive of student internships. Students learn of internships through announcements from the College’s Office of Career Services & Student Employment, and the Division of Business and Entrepreneurship. Students also find internship opportunities on their own through family and friends, professional acquaintances, and internet sources.
Students may participate in internships throughout any semester, though most are completed during the summer, typically 10 weeks. Interns work with the Director of Career Services & Student Employment to develop an internship proposal. In addition to the work on the job, interns write a reflective journal and complete either a research or experience paper. All divisional internships involve some research in the literature of the field in which the internship takes place.
Independent Studies
Independent studies allow students to study topics that are not part of the regular curriculum. Independent studies require students work closely with a faculty member in the area in which the independent study is to be done.
Student Employment
Student work-study positions are available. Contact D&E’s Student Employment Director for further information.
The Academic Business Unit at Davis & Elkins College has received specialized accreditation for its business program(s) through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11960 Quivira Road in Overland Park, Kansas, USA. For a list of accredited programs please view our IACBE member status page.
Click here to view Public Disclosure of Student Achievement 2023-2024.
The mission of the Division of Business & Entrepreneurship is to prepare students to successfully compete in a global economy, and to be thoughtful and respectful citizens of the world.
Leading the Way.

Almost all required business and economics courses are taught in the Eshleman Science Center.
Naturally, numerous local, regional, national and international business facilities are available for business majors to complete their required internships and practica.
Department Directory
Lead the Way at D&E. Contact us today.