Educational Support

The Naylor Learning Center
The Naylor Learning Center at Davis & Elkins College was dedicated Friday, September 23, 2011, in a public ceremony. The Center is located on the second floor of Albert Hall. It focuses on the success of all students through academic support at Davis & Elkins College. The Naylor Learning Center was established through the generosity of the Naylor family.
The Mission of The Naylor Learning Center is three-fold:
- To support the heightened performance of students and faculty campus-wide;
- To transform the learning experience of students with learning disabilities;
- And to facilitate greater access to higher education.
In pursuit of these objectives, The Naylor Learning Center offers three distinct programs: Academic Support Services, Disability Services (504 Accommodations), and the Supported Learning Program (a supplemental, academic support program, for students with learning differences or other disabilities affecting academic achievement).
academic support program
The Academic Support Program offers a rich menu of services to address the wide range of academic needs of D&E students. Below are information and useful links for several of these services.
Academic Skills
All students can utilize some form of academic skill-building. Below are important academic skills that successful college students must possess. Tips for each skill can be reviewed from this Academic Skills Tip Sheet
- Notetaking Skills
- Study Skills
- Test Preparation
- Test-Taking Techniques
- Time Management
Courses and Workshops
The Academic Support Program regularly offers both workshops and classes to enhance student academic performance.
Academic Skill Building Courses
- FND 103 – Academic Skills, is a course designed to strengthen student’s academic skills and promote positive academic behaviors. The course is half a semester and is taught in the classroom format. In addition to two hours a week of classroom content, the course requires two hours a week of proctored study hall.
- FND 105 – Structured Academic Support, is a half semester course that provides student one-on-one weekly meetings with Academic Support Services staff. This course is designed to help students sustain the academic and personal skills necessary for success in college. During weekly meetings, students review academic performance, discuss upcoming assignments and work on needed academic skills. In addition to weekly meetings, students complete two hours a week of proctored study hall.
Each semester The Naylor Learning Center offers a variety of workshops intended to assist students with needed academic skills. Look for flyers posted in The Naylor Learning Center as well as emails to student’s D&E email accounts.
PATH Program
PATH Program (Preparing and Transitioning to Higher Education) is a summer college transition program. This program seeks through a variety of activities and experiences, to enhance students’ opportunities for collegiate success. The program is intended, in particular, for students who may be anxious about the challenges of transitioning successfully to college.
PATH Program FAQ’s
- The PATH Program is offered the week before the start of the fall semester. Students live in their assigned dorm room and eat in the campus cafeteria.
- The PATH Program is a fee based program and the cost of the program is based on Pell Grant eligibility. Those eligible for Pell Grant financial aid pay $350 and those who are not pay $500.
- The Naylor Learning Center Staff oversee the PATH Program and provide program content throughout the week. Campus programing includes workshops on time management, study skills, mindfulness and wellness. Students also learn about goal setting, campus clubs/activities and about campus educational software.
- In addition to Naylor Learning Center Staff, the program utilizes former PATH participants as peer mentors. Peer mentors interact with program participants throughout the week and offer insight to college life. Beyond the PATH Program week, peer mentors also act as a lasting support for participants thought their first year of college.
Peer tutoring is coordinated through The Naylor Learning Center for most D&E courses. Tutoring is provided in both drop-in and one-on-one formats. All tutors in The Naylor Learning Center must meet particular eligibility requirements before employment.
Drop-in Tutoring Schedule
- Drop-in tutoring offers students tutoring for most D&E courses. Weekly drop-in tutoring schedules are emailed weekly to D&E email accounts and can be found here.
One-on-one Tutoring Request Form
- Students who need one-on-one support or who have scheduling conflicts with drop-in tutoring times can sign-up for one-on-one tutoring support.
- To setup one-on-one tutoring support students need to complete the one-on-one tutoring support form found here.
Tutoring FAQ’s
- Drop-in Tutoring is offered during regular the Naylor Learning Center hours and One-on-one Tutoring is offered during both regular hours, evening hours and weekends by appointment.
- During tutoring sessions, tutors and students can review course content, summarize notes, complete practice assessments and review assignment requirements. Tutors will not complete homework, quizzes or exams during tutoring sessions.
- Tutoring is provided to D&E students at no additional cost and is offered in both the fall and spring semesters.
- Tutors must have an “A” or “B” in the courses they tutor and have a cumulative 3.00 GPA or higher.
- To apply to be a tutor email with the course or courses you wish to tutor.
Writing Support
Writing assistance is available for all D&E courses through peer consultation in the D&E Writing Center. Writing Center peer consultants must meet eligibility requirements before employment. Support provided in the Writing Center includes thesis development, essay structure and organization, as well as citation support.
- Essay Outline Template
- Handling In-Text Quotations
- How to Avoid Plagiarism
- How to Generate an Effective Thesis Statement
- Quick and Easy MLA Guide
- Quick and Easy APA Guide
- Structure of an Academic Essay
- What is Plagiarism?
- Writing Center FAQ’s
disability services
The Naylor Learning Center provides accommodations for students with disabilities (Section 504 and ADAA accommodations) who provide appropriate documentation qualifying for such accommodations. It is the student’s responsibility to inform the director of The Naylor Learning Center their request for accommodations. Below are important details about Disability Services:
Differences Between K-12 and College Disability Support
- Similar to the K-12 setting, legal accommodations are based on Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, however, in the higher education setting what is considered reasonable and appropriate can differ.
- In the K-12 setting, accommodations are provided via IEP or 504 Plan through a collaboration of teachers, administrators, and parents. In the college setting, students must self-identify and provide appropriate documentation to The Naylor Learning Center Director for approval. Once accommodations are provided and approved, students must work with course instructors and The Naylor Learning Center staff for the provision of provided accommodations.
- The US Office Of Civil Rights has a wonderful publication on the transition to higher education and differences between K-12 and higher education found here.
How to Request Accommodations
- To identify the need for consideration of reasonable accommodations contact Director of The Naylor Learning Center Derek Fincham at
- Students need to provide their name, contact phone number, type of disability or presenting issue(s) and if they are a current or incoming student.
- Student needs to provide appropriate documentation related to the identified disability or presenting issue(s) (i.e. IEP, 504 Plan, Psychoeducational assessments, ext.) Please note documentation presented might not fully meet documentation requirements and additional documentation may need to be provided/obtained.
- To apply for the Disability Services Program, click here to complete the program application.
What Documentation is Required
- Under Section 504 of the National Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, institutions of higher education can request documentation, that demonstrates a student he has a disability, that substantially limits a major life activity and that supports the need for an academic accommodation/adjustments. The documentation should identify how a student’s ability to function is limited as a result of their disability.
- Davis & Elkins College requires students to provide assessments, medical documents and/or past educational documentation that meets the above standards.
- All provided documents are reviewed by the Director of the Naylor Learning Center to determine appropriate academic accommodations/adjustments based on those requested by the student.
- If provided documentation does not meet the burden of proof needed to support requested accommodations/adjustments additional documentation will be requested.
Types of Accommodations Provided
- Institutions of higher education provide reasonable accommodations/adjustments. This means that accommodations/adjustments provided at Davis & Elkins College will be ones that support the needs of students with learning disabilities/ differences. We do not modify curriculum and/or content on tests.
- Academic accommodations/adjustment are reasonable when it ensures that a qualified student with a disability is not excluded, segregated, or otherwise treated differently.
- Davis & Elkins College will not fundamentally alter the nature of a service, program or activity or result in undue financial or administrative burdens considering the institution’s resources. An example of an appropriate academic accommodation is the prevision of extend time on an exam.
supported learning program
Since 1989, Davis & Elkins College has offered a supplemental program providing individualized support to students with documented Learning Differences or other disabilities affecting academic achievement. The Supported Learning Program is a comprehensive program that provides support beyond federally mandated accommodations. This program takes a holistic approach, working in the areas of Academic Skills, Independent Living Skills and Social Skills as well as the transition and matriculation of students with disabilities at D&E.
Beyond the provided legal, reasonable accommodations, students enrolled in the program are scheduled weekly, one-hour sessions with a Supported Learning Program instructor, five hours of supervised weekly study hall, access to assistive technology programs, social skills programming, and monitored peer tutoring and writing support. During meetings with SLP Instructors, strategies for time management, organizational skills, learning strategies, and various study skills strategies are learned, implemented, and monitored. One-on-one academic support on assignments is also provided.
How to Apply for the Supported Learning Program
- Students who have met the qualifications of the college admissions may also apply to the Supported Learning Program if they are able to provide required documentation of a learning differences or disability that effects academic achievement meeting the requirements for Disability Services.
- There is a separate application and a face-to-face interview.
- To apply for the Supported Learning Program, click here to complete the program application.
- Students with questions about the Support Learning Program should contact Director of The Naylor Learning Center Derek Fincham at
Sample Weekly Meeting Topics
- During weekly meetings students have direct access to their assigned SLP Instructor to address any specific academic and social needs. A student Learning plan will be developed in the beginning of each semester. Goals in the areas of academic, independent and social skills will be created.
- Sample topics include:
- Time Management
- Creation and review of weekly schedules.
- Creation and review of weekly to-do-lists.
- Review of Course Syllabi Assignments.
- Discussion of school and social obligations.
- Organization Skills
- Creation and review of notebook organization.
- Review of course note organization.
- Review of living environment cleaning procedures
- Learning Strategies
- Create and review academic goals
- Create and review sample assessments
- Create and review study aids
- Review notetaking strategies
- Social Skills
- Discuss and review club and organization opportunities
- Discuss and review interactions with fellow students
- Discuss and review school v.s. life balance
- Independent Living Skills
- Discuss and review laundry processes
- Discuss and review campus navigation and safety
- Review self-advocacy and personal choice
- Time Management
Supported Learning Program FAQ’s
- Are the services provided by the Supported Learning Program customized? All support provided by the Supported Learning Program is customized to meet the needs of each individual student. Overall themes and goals of the program are the same for all students, but approaches and delivery methods will vary based on the needs of each student.
- Do students with disabilities have to enroll in the Supported Learning Program to receive legal accommodations/adjustments? The answer is no, the Supported Learning Program is an outstanding supplemental academic and social enrichment program, but is not required to receive accommodations/adjustments.
- Is there a cost for the Supported Learning Program? Yes, it is a fee-based service. The cost for the Supported Learning Program is added to the cost of attending D&E through the student’s account within the D&E Businesses Office.